Compsultant Services Logo 1243 Douglass Street
Reading, PA 19604-2433
(610) 372-1432
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Domain Name Search

Domain Names for the Internet are independently controlled by Internic. When a new Domain Name is requested, Compsultant Services will take the required information for setting up this new Domain Name and pass it along to Internic. You will be billed separately by Internic for the registration of your Domain Name. The fees charged by Internic are not controlled by Compsultant Services, and thus cannot be guaranteed. These charges are currently set to:

Bullet $100.00 for registration of a new Domain Name for the first 2 years.
Bullet $50.00 renewal fee per year for an established Domain Name after the first 2 years.

You can check the availability of a Domain Name using the form below. When checking names, keep these guidelines in mind:

bulletThe only valid characters for a domain name are letters, numbers and a hyphen "-". Other special characters like the underscore "_" or an exclamation mark "!" are NOT permitted.

bulletA domain name can be up to 26 characters long -- including the 4 characters used to identify the Top Level Domain (.NET, .COM, .ORG, .EDU or .GOV).

bullet is a uniform resource locator (URL) used by WWW browsers to find documents and resources on the WWW. It IS NOT a domain name (though a domain name is necessarily part of a URL). You should not enter in the URL to check, only the Domain Name which you wish to check.

This Form Will Perform Queries On Top-Level (Internic) Registered Domain Names
[ie. .com, .net, .org]
  • Domain Name:
    To Search The Whois Database

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All information contained herein is the property of Compsultant Services and cannot be duplicated in any way without the prior written permission of Compsultant Services. Compsultant Services cannot be held responsible for the way this information might be used or interpreted or any damage arising from this informations use. Not responsible for typographical errors.

If you have any problems accessing these pages, please contact the webmaster.
This page last updated Sunday, September 07, 1997